Software development

The methods listed below are (obviously) joint efforts to which we contribute to variable extent. All source codes are free to use, change and further distribute so long as no commercial benefit is derived from using them. No responsibility is taken under any circumstances.


AxiSEM: Axisymmetric global spectral-element method

AXISEM is a parallel spectral-element method for 3D (an-)elastic, anisotropic and acoustic wave propagation in spherical domains. It requires axisymmetric background models and runs within a 2D computational domain, thereby reaching all desired highest observable frequencies (up to 2Hz) in global seismology. The method scales very well on supercomputers and is available from, or by contacting Tarje Nissen-Meyer. Major code developers are Martin van Driel, Simon Staehler, Tarje Nissen-Meyer, Stefanie Hempel, and Alexandre Fournier.


SPECFEM3D: 3D spectral-element method for heterogeneous media

SPECFEM is a widely used and mature code for 3D wave propagation in local and global heterogeneous media. We contribute (to) new features such as GPU-version, dynamic rupture, local time-stepping, and a new visco-elastic discretization (most of these are still under development). Available from Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics. Major contributors are Max Rietmann, Percy Galvez, Martin van Driel, Piero Basini, Tarje Nissen-Meyer.


ObsPy: A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories

ObsPy is an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for processing seismological data. It provides parsers for common file formats, clients to access data centers and seismological signal processing routines which allow the manipulation of seismological time series (see Beyreuther et al. 2010, Megies et al. 2011). The widely used codes including a range of tutorials are available from ObsPy's GitHub repository. Major contributors from our group are Kasra Hosseini and Martin van Driel.


FD3S: 3D Finite-Difference method for spherical sections

A 3D finite-difference solver for seismic wave propagation in spherical sections originally written by Tarje Nissen-Meyer and Heiner Igel, and further developed by Andreas Fichtner, this F90/MPI code accommodates visco-elastic, fully anisotropic background models. Available from the Spice software library.