Waves in complex media
We accommodate wave propagation in highly complex media using
spectral-element methods. The crux to honor such realistic settings
relies on the meshing process which maps an assumed heterogeneous
velocity model into a hexahedral grid. We apply this to scales of
interest to exploration seismology (salt bodies, overthrust faults),
seismic hazard (Los Angeles, Christchurch), and continental
tomography (ambient noise in Europe) using the spectral-element
solver SPECFEM3D.
Seismic hazard in Los Angeles & Christchurch
(A. Tesoniero, T. Nissen-Meyer, E. Casarotti, B. Fry)
As a consequence of the Mw 6.7 1994 Northridge
earthquake, the area of Santa Monica in the Los Angeles basin
experienced concentrated and unexpectedly high values of ground
shaking. Elastic focusing wave effects have been proposed by several
authors as a cause for the enhanced ground shaking. Acting as an
elastic lense, the Santa Monica overthrust has been attributed as a
possible contributor to this enhanced, localized shaking. We model
3D wave propagation with kinematic source models for this setting
including external and internal interface topography and vary local,
smoothed properties of this overthrust to constrain its effect on
wave propagation. Peak-ground velocities in Santa Monica vary by as
much as 40% depending on the local properties of the overthrust,
matching also the actual amplitudes recorded at the Santa Monica
City Hall seismic station. We conclude that in regions of complex 3D
subsurface settings, where complex wave phenomena such as elastic
focusing might happen, honoring these structures both numerically
(by the mesh model) and physically (by the velocity model) is
important for a proper representation of the seismic ground
Together with colleagues from GNS New Zealand, we are
also in the process of conducting similar studies around the M6.3
Christchurch earthquake in light of the 2g ground accelerations
measured in the city. This is an extraordinary set- ting, including
complex local structures (volcanic layers as possible waveguides) and
high-quality recordings of near-field ground motion of the entire
aftershock sequence. As such, this sequence represents an invaluable
site to assess dynamic rupture, near-field wave propagation, and 3D
structure from a full-wave propagation standpoint with unprecedented
data quality and quantity.
Exploration seismology
(T. Nissen-Meyer, B. Artman, J. Tromp, A. Plesch, J. Shaw)
We apply our wave propagation and adjoint imaging
techniques to shallow structures of high complexity (surface
topography, overthrust faults, salt domes, wedges, lenses, thin
layers, offshore settings), and draw connections between full-wave
finite-frequency sensitivity and classical imaging principles of the
oil industry. Our results highlight the importance of choosing
sensible misfit functions (e.g., band-passed time windows for
normalized adjoint sources) as well as the most appropriate set of
model parameterization. Impedance images show great promise in
illuminating structures much like reverse-time migration, but within
the more general framework of subsequently inverting volumetric and
reflecting contributions. Time-lapse sensitivity kernels highlight the
potential to use appropriate physics in the forward problem and
sophisticated inversion techniques. Further work relates to
constraining the benefit of low frequencies and multi-component
broadband seismometers for full-waveform inversions in exploration
settings. Of particular interest to the exploration industry here is
the potential to predict optimal design for acquisition surveys.
Adjoint-based nonlinear tomography using ambient noise
(P. Basini, T. Nissen-Meyer, L. Boschi, L. Gaudio, O. Schenk)The European crust and upper mantle are key to
understanding the tectonic environment of the Alpine orogene,
continental collision, and plate boundaries. Since earthquakes happen
rarely in western Europe, we use ambient noise generated in the oceans
as a basis for iterative, non-linear, adjoint-based tomography beneath
Europe. We compiled a dense regional database of European
station-station surface-wave dispersion between seismic periods of
8-35 seconds using noise interferometry. It has recently been shown
how adjoint techniques can be applied to ambient-noise data,
overcoming the often severe nonuniformity in the geographic
distribution of noise sources, and the subsequent discrepancies
between the recorded noise cross-correlation and the theoretical
Green’s function.
Our initial model is composed of two
contributions: EPcrust, a new 3D crustal model for the European plate,
derived from collection of numerous independent previous studies of
multiple scale lengths, and a new adaptive-grid surface-wave
tomography of the uppermost mantle down to periods of 35 seconds. This
model is discretized with irregular meshes (using Cubit) that honor
all relevant discontinuities and are adaptive within the inversion
procedure. The misfit function between modeled and data-based
cross-correlations that defines the adjoint source is based on a
multitaper traveltime difference, allowing us to iteratively march
from coarse to fine scale. We address the peculiar issue of
non-uniform noise sources by including the frequency-dependent noise
distribution in the inversion process. The inversion is a
computationally intensive, heavily parallel procedure for which we
have allocations on national supercomputers. We also embark on
studying the behavior of objective functions within such realistic 3D
models regarding convergence, preconditioning, appropriate misfit
choices, and the limitations of assuming ambient-noise cross
correlations to represent Green’s functions.