Tarje Nissen-Meyer
I am a geophysicist at the
of Earth Sciences, and a Fellow of Wolfson
College, University of Oxford. I also am an adjunct
scientist at Lamont-Doherty Observatory, Columbia University, New York.
My research
encompasses computational
seismology from global to local scales. Topics of interest
include global wave propagation, deep-earth structure, adjoint
methods and inverse problems, finite-frequency tomography,
high-order numerical methods, ambient-noise correlations,
hexahedral 3D meshing, high-performance computing, exploration
seismology, and the nature of seismic sources.
I am the main author of the axisymmetric spectral-element method
which is used by a number of groups around the world.
Our software codes
run on large supercomputers in the UK, Switzerland, USA, and Germany. Having moved from ETH
Zurich in Sept 2013, I
still supervise PhD students there,
and collaborate with many other groups abroad. I was involved in the EU
Marie-Curie Training Network QUEST, coordinated the Solid-Earth Dynamics
network of the
Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing in
Switzerland, and am now affiliated with Oxford Solid Mechanics, the European ITN network WAVES, and the EU Cost action TIDES.
I warmly welcome interest in collaborations or joining our group (M.Sc. and
term projects are available), but please note that we currently do not
offer any internship program.
I taught
Seismology of the spherical Earth at ETH from 2010-2013. Since 2014, I teach Mathematics for Materials and Earth Sciences, Advanced Vector Calculus, as
well as Theoretical Seismology at Oxford. I also enjoy engaging with the wider public and community.
Brief bio (detailed curriculum vitae here)

2013-........... Associate Professor of Geophysics, Fellow at Wolfson College, University of Oxford, UK2013-........... Adjunct Scientist, Lamont-Doherty Observatory, Columbia University, USA
2010-2013... Senior research scientist, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
2008-2010... Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University, USA
2007-2008... Postdoctoral Scholar in Geophysics, California Institute of Technology, USA
2007............ Ph.D., Princeton University, USA2001............ M.Sc, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Germany
1999............ Visiting student, McGill University, Canada